[DRAFT] Creating a Flask app for listing Congressmembers' birthdays

Creating a birthday listing is easy after we've fetched and parsed the data.
This article is part of a sequence:
Introduction to Building Web Applications from Data
A series on building a simple Flask app that reads and filters a data file.
Table of contents

Just a draft.

Simple app.py

Note how the code here doesn't even refer to the fetch.py script. The web application depends only on the filter.py methods to get the data:

from filter import get_birthday_rows_by_month_day
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def homepage():
    todays_date = '2015-12-31'
    todays_mthday = todays_date[5:]
    data_rows = get_birthday_rows_by_month_day(todays_mthday)

    h = "<h1>Today is {today}</h1>".format(today=todays_date)
    h += "<p>{num} Congressmembers have birthdays today:</p>".format(num=len(data_rows))
    h += "<ul>"
    for d in data_rows:
        fullname = d['firstname'] + " "  + d['lastname']
        tstr = "<li>{title} {full_name}, {party} from {state}</li>"
        h += tstr.format(title=d['title'], full_name=fullname,
                                party=d['party'], state=d['state'])
    h += "</ul>"
    return h

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=True)

This article is part of a sequence:
Introduction to Building Web Applications from Data
A series on building a simple Flask app that reads and filters a data file.